Our Experience

YUNI Environmental develops and implements project mitigation, enhancement and compensation programs to offset any potential project impacts or residual effects.

Mitigation and compensation plans can only be developed thoroughly by properly consulting with stakeholders and agency regulators.

We believe that most development projects negatively impact wildlife populations and habitat; however, through proper mitigation and compensation, project impacts can be effectively minimized or even offset.

What We Do

  • Collate existing or collect new baseline data to identify and determine potential project impacts and whether a project compensation plan is required.
  • Liaise with stakeholders and agency regulators to develop and implement a mutually beneficial project mitigation, enhancement and compensation program to offset any project negative impacts or residual effects.

  • Design project mitigation measures that aim to reduce the risk for potential impacts on project valued components, such as: wildlife habitat, public recreational activities or First Nations use.

  • Provide enhancement options that enhance pre-existing valued components that may be potentially impacted by the project.

  • Implement compensation plans that create new valued components to replace what has been lost or impacted by project development.

  • Determine which impacts to project valued components can first be mitigated by modifying components of the project design or by timing or location of project activities.

  • Identify project “no work” areas or work timing-windows to minimize project impacts.