Process Mapping
We can help you find the answers to these questions!
A Process Map is the backbone of the organisation that links people, activities, and systems for the purpose of establishing how to produce a product or provide a service.
Our process mapping services will help your organisation establish a process footprint. Through the deployment of the BPM methodology, process maps can be used to calibrate performance, efficiency, and quality, reduce operating costs, waste and errors and improve overall profitability for your organisation.
We recognize the time commitment required to produce quality process maps. To improve the return on your investment, we have devised process mapping services that minimize such commitments without compromising quality.
Below is our list of process mapping services.
Our business process mapping services cover the entire organisation at three levels: Enterprise Level, Process Level and Task Level, each critical to creating the process footprint for your organisation. Learn more
To view the details of a service, click a tab below
Your company has already invested in time and effort towards mapping processes. That was Round 1 Process Mapping.
You have the desire to continue but circumstances are in the way. We can help.....
This service is premised on the investment already made in Round 1 to re-start the process mapping journey with reduced time commitments from your end. Hence, it is called Round 2 Process Mapping.
Here is how it works.....
We will use existing business process maps, documents, and related artifacts, already created to remotely produce your company’s current (As-Is) process footprint as interpreted from the documents provided.
- Establishes a process footprint from existing documents - leverage a return on time and effort already invested
- Minimal people time commitment
- A starting point for identifying gaps in your current (As-Is) state
- A starting point for any process improvement and business transformation initiatives
- Structure the process to drive value at various levels within the organization: strategic, functional and tactical
- Establishes a documentation standard – ideal for training
- Use of industry standard process mapping software
This is what we will do:
- Organise, review and analyse the documents provided
- Request clarity and explanations as we go along
- Produce, to the degree possible based on the information provided, Enterprise Level, Process Level and Task Level process maps
- Present the current (As-Is) process maps (all levels) through a virtual meeting
- Present gaps identified in the process maps (all levels) required to complete the current (As-Is) process maps
- Provide Microsoft Visio and Adobe PDF files
This is what is required from you:
- Provide the existing business process maps, documents and related artifacts
- Appoint a key contact for us to liaise with
- Be available for the virtual presentation of the process maps
- Have access to a PC with minimum requirements, a compatible browser and an internet connection
- Sign-off on the delivery of the Microsoft Visio and Adobe PDF files and completion of the assignment
Contact us today for more information and pricing on this process mapping service.
As the name suggests, this is an entirely interactive virtual process mapping service done completely in a virtual setting, through dedicated virtual classrooms and breakout sessions.
Users are logged into a secure video site where all the interaction between them and the consultant takes place.
This service is a progressive next step to the Round 2 Process Mapping service where the current (As-Is) process maps are already established. This service will take these maps, through interactive virtual sessions to the next level of completion and/or development.
Alternatively, this service could be the starting point where process maps do not currently exist or are not to be used.
Depending on the objectives and scope established, this service can cover any and all three Process Levels.
Note: Task Level process maps require Process Level maps be established first.
- Completely virtual and interactive service
- Establishes employees' buy-in right from the first session
- Establishes a process footprint from existing documents or from the ground up
- A starting point and an investment for any process improvement and business transformation initiatives - ideal for the BPM methodology
- Structure the process to drive value at various levels within the organization: strategic, functional and tactical
- Use of industry standard process mapping software
- Establishes a documentation standard – ideal for training
This is what we will do:
- Develop a process mapping plan and schedule
- Schedule the virtual sessions in people’s calendars
- Facilitate the virtual process mapping sessions
- Produce, Enterprise Level, Process Level and Task Level* process maps, covered in the virtual sessions
- Facilitate virtual review sessions and adjust process maps as required
- Provide Microsoft Visio and Adobe PDF files
- Provide secure document repository for exchange of electronic documents
This is what is required from you:
- Assist with the scheduling of the virtual sessions
- Attend and participate in the virtual process mapping and review sessions
- Have access to a PC with minimum requirements, a compatible browser and an internet connection
- Appoint a key contact for us to liaise with
- Sign-off on the delivery of the Microsoft Visio and Adobe PDF files and completion of the assignment
Contact us today for more information and pricing on this process mapping service
*As Applicable
This service is identical to the Interactive Virtual Process mapping service done completely on-site at the client's premises.
This service is a progressive next step to the Round 2 Process Mapping service where the current (As-Is) process maps are already established. This service will take these maps, through interactive on-site sessions to the next level of completion and/or development.
Alternatively, this service could be the starting point where process maps do not currently exist or are not to be used.
Depending on the objectives and scope established, this service can cover any and all three Process Levels.
Note: Task Level process maps require Process Level maps be established.
- On-site interactive service
- Establishes employees' buy-in right from the first session
- Establishes a process footprint from existing documents or from the ground up
- A starting point and an investment for any process improvement and business transformation initiatives - ideal for the BPM methodology
- Structure the process to drive value at various levels within the organization: strategic, functional and tactical
- Use of industry standard process mapping software
- Establishes a documentation standard – ideal for training
This is what we will do:
- Develop a process mapping plan and schedule
- Schedule the sessions in people’s calendars
- Facilitate the process mapping sessions
- Produce, Enterprise Level, Process Level and Task Level* process maps, covered in the virtual sessions
- Facilitate on-site review sessions and adjust process maps as required
- Provide Microsoft Visio and Adobe PDF files
- Provide secure document repository for exchange of electronic documents.
This is what is required from you:
- Assist with the scheduling of the on-site sessions
- Attend and participate in the on-site process mapping and review sessions
- Appoint a key contact for us to liaise with
- Sign-off on the delivery of the Microsoft Visio and Adobe PDF files and completion of the assignment
Contact us today for more information and pricing on this process mapping service
* As applicable
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